Monday, August 9, 2010

1000 Sprints

Want to see the masters in aerobic skill then watch how pro tennis player move around the court: the quick burst or sprints to get to the ball before the second bounce. A match can last as long as two hours which means these runs can appropriately be called "1000 sprint a match" as I once heard someone put it. Nothing short of years and hours of training on court can produce athletes of this caliber. It must be the reason I am so fond of the players and the sport of tennis! Click on the link to watch the action and see if you agree. | Watch Official Live Streaming Online from Toronto and Cincinnati

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tri Train Saturday

It began with a splash in the pool (50 minutes). I challenged myself working the free style without fins, weeks prior I was dependent on them to stay afloat. For an entire week I have managed without fins, though I would loose my balance mid way crawling to the other end, today I successfully crawled two links of the short lane with good balance. Thrilled, with my water training, I got out of the pool, headed to the changing room when I saw a friend walk by. I stopped to chat with her a few minutes. She had said that she had just walked two miles on the beach and was ready for a workout in water; I was impressed and even more determined to complete my bike and run training sessions. After a refreshing hot shower, I felt exhilarated and walked a few yards to my bike. So, zealous was I to start the next workout phase, while riding out on my bike a few yards I realized I was helmet-less. I turned back, geared up and hit the road again. Uphill was a breeze. Before I knew it, I was on top: this hill usually took time to climb and felt arduous at crest. Quickly, I dismounted from my bike, crossed the street to the running path, and started to jog. It was all down hill on the trip out; coming back was a mix. I braced myself as I looked out at the hill ahead. I got into form, drew my arms in close to my body to help expend less energy and use more of my core. I could feel the power as my body was lifted almost effortless up the incline. I faced continuous rolling hills, but the power was unending. I still can't fathom this awesome energizer!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Show Me When To Move"

I title this blog with lyrics after listening to a song on KDAR The Christian Station. The lyrics have been a prayer focus for me in recent events. One of which was a move from two locations. The two house moves were not far apart (less than 10 miles between),yet the adjustment seem like a marathon distance apart as I have had to scout out new territory in which to carry on my routine activity. Another recent focus change for me is with my training plan. Although, I have set a new training record: completing three dualathlon or biathlon training sessions in less than a week. Now I am asking "show me when to move to a Triathlon training session." While I am eager to compete in my first triathlon, which I am looking to enter at the start of 2011, for now I keep moving to add a Triathlon session to my training regimen. Also, a highlight for me this month will be to volunteer for the Santa Barbara Triathlon Short and Long Race.

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