Monday, January 25, 2010

A Clean Environment Is a Human Right | The Office of His Holiness The Dalai Lama

My thoughts on the Go Green Expo can't match this powerful excerpt: With the ever- growing impact of science on our lives, religion and spirituality have a greater role to play in reminding us of our humanity. There is no contradiction between the two. Each gives us valuable insights into the other. Both science and the teachings of the Buddha tell us of the fundamental unity of all things.
Finally, I would like to share with my readers a short prayer, which gives me great inspiration and determination:

For as long as space endures,
And for as long as living beings remain,
Until then may I, too, abide
To dispel the misery of the world.

Adapted from the chapter Universal Responsibility and the Good Heart in Freedom in Exile: The autobiography of His Holiness .the Dalai Lama of Tibet, Hodder and Stoughton. UK 1990. (p 280-299).
A Clean Environment Is a Human Right | The Office of His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Strategic Small Business Plan for 2010

I find the following link welcomed commentary for those of us who are either currently running or are planning to run a small business. The author offers us clear motivational dialogue as he adds his re-telling of a famous story which speaks, I think, of gathering courage in the call to duty. Strategic Small Business Plan for 2010.

Friday, January 15, 2010

go green expo: green - environmentally - eco-friendly friendly products and services

I believe this movement warrants a response from all healthcare advocates. I support the cause for liberation from that which devours and devastates. The world needs responsible caretaker who seek their own as well as others and the environment's preservation. GO Green!!!!!!!! go green expo: green - environmentally - eco-friendly friendly products and services

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Growing Our Health in Cold and Flu Season

Since my last post I will confess that I have stunted attempts to avoid catching any of the bugs my fellow coworkers had previously succumbed to during this heightened
cold and flu season. Engaging in regular exercise has been shown to support a good immunity so we can protect ourselves from getting more than one cold per year which is common for most people and a sign of health. I have not kept up with my regular exercise intensity: only doing 2-3 days of walking the past two weeks. This is a significant drop from running 2-3 5Ks a week at 8 minute mile pace. I am making a come back, using a second defense. I am fighting my cold with nutrition: consuming plenty of fresh fruit like oranges; veggies like raw carrots and sauteed brussel sprout leaves (the leaves are sweeter tasting than the actual sprouts); omega 3 oils from flax and salmon; and herbal teas by Yogi, namely from its Cold Season Sampler (Throat Comfort and Echinacea Immune Support). These food nutrients have also been known to boost and support the immune system. How thankful I am for the benefit of knowledge and nutrition practice.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Money Diet: lose weight, gain money

In the summer of 2009 on Twitter I tweeted on the value we can place on our fitness and nutrition. I called it Nutrition and Fitness Banking. Here is a snipet: what would happen if we could write our own health and fitness statement...I believe it would help motivate us to take we do...our bank accounts...How interesting that I should find this article that appeared online today: The Money Diet: lose weight, gain money. The author seems to say that the money we may have to spend later in life, in an effort to restore our ill health, may be better conserved now, if we take appropriate action. I am in firm agreement and belive that we can save big, not just from a monetary stand point. Imagine the prospect of securing the future of our loved ones who are dependent on us in more ways than just financially. Ill health can be a real concern to those nearest and dearest to us. Sometimes the emotions they experience can build up and cause stress which may over time put their health at jeopardy too and if this happens it could result in even greater cost. We should start the New Year realizing the value of our health and invest in growing and protecting it.

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