Monday, August 9, 2010

1000 Sprints

Want to see the masters in aerobic skill then watch how pro tennis player move around the court: the quick burst or sprints to get to the ball before the second bounce. A match can last as long as two hours which means these runs can appropriately be called "1000 sprint a match" as I once heard someone put it. Nothing short of years and hours of training on court can produce athletes of this caliber. It must be the reason I am so fond of the players and the sport of tennis! Click on the link to watch the action and see if you agree. | Watch Official Live Streaming Online from Toronto and Cincinnati

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tri Train Saturday

It began with a splash in the pool (50 minutes). I challenged myself working the free style without fins, weeks prior I was dependent on them to stay afloat. For an entire week I have managed without fins, though I would loose my balance mid way crawling to the other end, today I successfully crawled two links of the short lane with good balance. Thrilled, with my water training, I got out of the pool, headed to the changing room when I saw a friend walk by. I stopped to chat with her a few minutes. She had said that she had just walked two miles on the beach and was ready for a workout in water; I was impressed and even more determined to complete my bike and run training sessions. After a refreshing hot shower, I felt exhilarated and walked a few yards to my bike. So, zealous was I to start the next workout phase, while riding out on my bike a few yards I realized I was helmet-less. I turned back, geared up and hit the road again. Uphill was a breeze. Before I knew it, I was on top: this hill usually took time to climb and felt arduous at crest. Quickly, I dismounted from my bike, crossed the street to the running path, and started to jog. It was all down hill on the trip out; coming back was a mix. I braced myself as I looked out at the hill ahead. I got into form, drew my arms in close to my body to help expend less energy and use more of my core. I could feel the power as my body was lifted almost effortless up the incline. I faced continuous rolling hills, but the power was unending. I still can't fathom this awesome energizer!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Show Me When To Move"

I title this blog with lyrics after listening to a song on KDAR The Christian Station. The lyrics have been a prayer focus for me in recent events. One of which was a move from two locations. The two house moves were not far apart (less than 10 miles between),yet the adjustment seem like a marathon distance apart as I have had to scout out new territory in which to carry on my routine activity. Another recent focus change for me is with my training plan. Although, I have set a new training record: completing three dualathlon or biathlon training sessions in less than a week. Now I am asking "show me when to move to a Triathlon training session." While I am eager to compete in my first triathlon, which I am looking to enter at the start of 2011, for now I keep moving to add a Triathlon session to my training regimen. Also, a highlight for me this month will be to volunteer for the Santa Barbara Triathlon Short and Long Race.

Friday, July 30, 2010

The Energizer 2

I blogged yesterday about my energetic evening. I felt incredible energy after a pool session (approx.10 X 25 meters)workout followed by a 2 mile run, 1 mile walk and 5 minute stretch. Well all that energy did keep me awake. I finally went off to sleep and woke energetic. So today I went on a 10 mile bike excursion. I feel fabulous. Yet I am sure I won't be up most of tonight as the energy requires time to build up again. I say then let the recovery process now begin. Good night!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Energizer

It is 30 minutes later but the energizer doesn't know the difference. Who is this energizer? It's dual exercise: swim 40 minutes and run 23 minutes; total time logged, 1 hour and three minutes. The energizer keeps going and going and going. Will I sleep tonight; tune in tomorrow.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Dual Training Day

This will be a dual training day for me since I missed my run yesterday. It should reset my VO2 max which averages about a 36. You may ask what does VO2 max mean and what the number 36 indicates. Rather than go into a long scientific explanation, here is a link you can go to that explains it simply
Should you link to this article you may think that I just want to show off how athletic I am. But rather I would show you that body fat is a factor in my case. And yet I complain of a lack of body fat especially in my shoulder and collar areas! I recall sometime ago after reviewing my Body Composition Test results, the Professor remarked, "Wow, your fat levels are so low, are you athletic?" I replied, "I used to be...I need to get back into it." I had taken a Pilate's class prior to the test, yet I gained weight(1.5 lbs) which was desired. Then what can explain my "low body fat"? Is is linked to the specific foods I ate. Definitely. I will come back to this in another post, likely on my other blog jhtrainthegreedyappetite.

Time to Train!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hills Thrills Chills

I am back from another 5K run. What an uphill battle! I hit the first hill at the 1st mile mark ran a quarter mile then reached the second hill. This was a rolling hill that lead to the 3rd and steepest of the inclines. Unbelievable nonstop uphill running! I turn the corner, run less than a block and head back. I have slowed my pace in this recovery phase. Moments later I hear a runner coming from behind. His pace is swift (about a 6-5 min mile pace). I keep my eye on him though he is well ahead of me on the 15 minute return trip. My right side burns, I slow down even more but it won't let up. The runner ahead of me has either detoured onto a different path or has reached the finished line. It's the finish line for me as well as the pain begins to cuts like a knife. To quite my screaming side, I walk for the next mile to my car. My side and whole body thanks me. I include a recovery stretch which seals the deal.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

5K Run-Strong Come Back

Come back? Yes, it's been an entire month since my last run. Why have I been away from the activity for so long? Well, for several reasons, but I will only mention one for time sake. The main reason for not running this long is due to a calorie reduction. This reduction came not by choice, rather by financial necessity. Indeed, the economy is responsible. I have had to explore ways to lighten my activity than what is usual for me over the summer months. I begrudged it initially. But I have come back stronger for it as today I kept pace with a new friend who says that she runs 40 minutes to an hour 4-5 days a week. After our run, I don't doubt her. Five minutes into the start of our run, both of us could hold the conversation, though our breathing was noticeable. Mid way until the end of the exercise my friend's breathing was less noticeable while I grew less capable of speaking as the paced picked up. We did not slow down til we had reach the point where we began the run and decided to end it. It was a hard, but good strong run come back.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

"Dreaming of the Personal Chef"

The weekend is nearly over and in the words of Venus, I too am, "Dreaming of the Personal Chef" I have reminiscence of Chili"s Chicken Soup with Avocado, Grilled Salmon, Hearty Mashed Potatoes and perfect steamed Broccoli, a scrumptious meal I enjoyed later that evening in Torrence after the thriller book signing. The next day I met a friend while biking around town. She had already walked five miles and I got off my bike and joined her for the next mile and half walk to her home. She invited me for a cold drink, then she asked if I would like some strawberries. I have never refuse strawberries. She brought in the refreshments; to my dismay the strawberries were sliced like finger food and frozen. I sipped on the ice water waiting to see if she would bring a spoon for the fruit. She did not. I picked through the icy pieces, put one in my mouth and to my surprise it melted down giving off the sweetest taste. The frozen berries tasted even better than the fresh ones. What a weekend of ideas for future dining!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Out of the Social Blue

Lately, I have been touched with a feeling of social unrest as I have been away for more than a week not sharing with friends in the larger social web sphere. While I have been trying to convince myself of my current primary obligation to education, I realize that I am still a social creature of habit. So I coming out of the social blue starting with this post.

Monday, January 25, 2010

A Clean Environment Is a Human Right | The Office of His Holiness The Dalai Lama

My thoughts on the Go Green Expo can't match this powerful excerpt: With the ever- growing impact of science on our lives, religion and spirituality have a greater role to play in reminding us of our humanity. There is no contradiction between the two. Each gives us valuable insights into the other. Both science and the teachings of the Buddha tell us of the fundamental unity of all things.
Finally, I would like to share with my readers a short prayer, which gives me great inspiration and determination:

For as long as space endures,
And for as long as living beings remain,
Until then may I, too, abide
To dispel the misery of the world.

Adapted from the chapter Universal Responsibility and the Good Heart in Freedom in Exile: The autobiography of His Holiness .the Dalai Lama of Tibet, Hodder and Stoughton. UK 1990. (p 280-299).
A Clean Environment Is a Human Right | The Office of His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Strategic Small Business Plan for 2010

I find the following link welcomed commentary for those of us who are either currently running or are planning to run a small business. The author offers us clear motivational dialogue as he adds his re-telling of a famous story which speaks, I think, of gathering courage in the call to duty. Strategic Small Business Plan for 2010.

Friday, January 15, 2010

go green expo: green - environmentally - eco-friendly friendly products and services

I believe this movement warrants a response from all healthcare advocates. I support the cause for liberation from that which devours and devastates. The world needs responsible caretaker who seek their own as well as others and the environment's preservation. GO Green!!!!!!!! go green expo: green - environmentally - eco-friendly friendly products and services

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Growing Our Health in Cold and Flu Season

Since my last post I will confess that I have stunted attempts to avoid catching any of the bugs my fellow coworkers had previously succumbed to during this heightened
cold and flu season. Engaging in regular exercise has been shown to support a good immunity so we can protect ourselves from getting more than one cold per year which is common for most people and a sign of health. I have not kept up with my regular exercise intensity: only doing 2-3 days of walking the past two weeks. This is a significant drop from running 2-3 5Ks a week at 8 minute mile pace. I am making a come back, using a second defense. I am fighting my cold with nutrition: consuming plenty of fresh fruit like oranges; veggies like raw carrots and sauteed brussel sprout leaves (the leaves are sweeter tasting than the actual sprouts); omega 3 oils from flax and salmon; and herbal teas by Yogi, namely from its Cold Season Sampler (Throat Comfort and Echinacea Immune Support). These food nutrients have also been known to boost and support the immune system. How thankful I am for the benefit of knowledge and nutrition practice.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Money Diet: lose weight, gain money

In the summer of 2009 on Twitter I tweeted on the value we can place on our fitness and nutrition. I called it Nutrition and Fitness Banking. Here is a snipet: what would happen if we could write our own health and fitness statement...I believe it would help motivate us to take we do...our bank accounts...How interesting that I should find this article that appeared online today: The Money Diet: lose weight, gain money. The author seems to say that the money we may have to spend later in life, in an effort to restore our ill health, may be better conserved now, if we take appropriate action. I am in firm agreement and belive that we can save big, not just from a monetary stand point. Imagine the prospect of securing the future of our loved ones who are dependent on us in more ways than just financially. Ill health can be a real concern to those nearest and dearest to us. Sometimes the emotions they experience can build up and cause stress which may over time put their health at jeopardy too and if this happens it could result in even greater cost. We should start the New Year realizing the value of our health and invest in growing and protecting it.

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