Monday, July 19, 2010

5K Run-Strong Come Back

Come back? Yes, it's been an entire month since my last run. Why have I been away from the activity for so long? Well, for several reasons, but I will only mention one for time sake. The main reason for not running this long is due to a calorie reduction. This reduction came not by choice, rather by financial necessity. Indeed, the economy is responsible. I have had to explore ways to lighten my activity than what is usual for me over the summer months. I begrudged it initially. But I have come back stronger for it as today I kept pace with a new friend who says that she runs 40 minutes to an hour 4-5 days a week. After our run, I don't doubt her. Five minutes into the start of our run, both of us could hold the conversation, though our breathing was noticeable. Mid way until the end of the exercise my friend's breathing was less noticeable while I grew less capable of speaking as the paced picked up. We did not slow down til we had reach the point where we began the run and decided to end it. It was a hard, but good strong run come back.

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